Research Group

Current Members

Ph.D Students

  • Kaiwen Jin (2024-present), research area: analytical continuation; automatic differentiation; quantum simulations for Ryderberg atom arrays.
  • Xuanyan Chen (2024-present), research area: materials modeing and simulation; density functional theory; field-based models
  • Qian (Serena) Hou (2024-present), research area: machine learning, operator learning for PDEs
  • Weitao Lan (2023-present), research area: TBD
  • Yanyu Duan (2022-present), research area: theories and simulations for soft matter, electrostatics, packing
  • Tianhao Hu (2022-present), research area: data-driven methods for numerical PDEs
  • Zheng (Johnson) Yang (2022-present), research area: modeling & simulations for active matter
  • Xuanzhao Gao (2021-present), research area: fast algorithms in Molecuar Dynamics, high-performance computing

M. Phil. Students

  • Shiyi Bai (2024-present), research area: molecular dynamics, battery simulations
  • Wing Chun (Kyle) CHAN (2022-present), research area: modeling & simulations for active matter

Visiting Students, research interns/assistants

  • Yilin Li, undergraduate from math department at Nankai University
  • Yanqiao (Marvel) Li, undergraduate from CUHK-SZ (Nobel class), now: M. Phil. student at HKUST
  • Zhuoma Wang (2023 summer), MAE, HKUST
  • Yue Fang (2022 summer), CBE, HKUST
  • Wenjun Li (2022 summer), now: Red Bird M. Phil. student

External Collaborators

  • Dr. Jiuyang Liang (since 2021), Flatrion Institute, Simons foundation, New York
  • Prof. Ho-Kei CHAN (since 2021), HIT, Shenzhen
  • Prof. Rui Zhang (since 2021), HKUST
  • Prof. Leslie Greengard (since 2019), Courant Institute, NYU
  • Prof. Aleksandar Donev (since 2019), Courant Institute, NYU
  • Prof. Weihua Geng (since 2016), South Methodist University, Texas
  • Prof. Robert Krasny (since 2016), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Prof. Shidong Jiang (since 2015), Flatrion Institute, Simons foundation, New York
  • Prof. Erik Luijten (since 2014), Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
  • Prof. Zhenli Xu (since 2010), SJTU, Shanghai


Former Ph.D students

Jiayi Wang (co-supervise with Prof. Ping Gao), now at Huawei.