Machine Learning for Materials ScienceDescriptionMachine learning has received a lot of hype over the last decade, with techniques such as convolutional neural networks and deep learning powering a new generation of data-driven analytics. On the other hand, material science has benefited a lot from large-scale modeling & simulation through Molecular Dynamics, Density Functional Theory, and Differential Equations describing rigorous scientific laws. This course aims to provide students trainings with a convergence of the two disciplines. We will start from machine learning basics, its mathematical foundations, then move on to modern machine learning methods for material science problems and hands-on study with Python. Particularly, students will learn about how to combine the data-driven ML techniques with existing knowledge of material science to give reliable physical predictions. Various case studies will be discussed, with real-world material science applications. Lectures2022 Spring: Tuesday and Thursday, 3:00–4:30pm, remotely via Canvas -> Zoom Lecture Notes (available upon request)